In this post, we go through the 13 common skincare mistakes that sabotage your skin health and should be avoided at all cost.

As someone with a sensitive skin, it’s pertinent that I pour into my skin health, and so I am religious about it.
But skincare is a process, and that means there are bound to be some mistakes along the way.
It’s no surprise that I’ve made my own fair share of mistakes.
Some of them gave me a rash, some resulted in horrible breakouts, and most of them stopped me from the glow up that I as a woman am entitled to (just like you are, gorgeous).
All of these skincare errors taught me lessons, and I consider it an obligation to share them with whoever is interested, so that they don’t make the same mistakes that I did.
In this post, we’ll look at 13 skincare mistakes that are all too common but need to be banned for life (seriously).
If you’re guilty of any of these, don’t worry. There’s always time to change your habits and give your skin the love it truly deserves.
P.S: I’ve saved the absolute worst skincare mistake that I’ve ever made for the last (number 14). So, make sure you stick around for that part, as it’s really important.
Now, let’s dive in.
14 Skincare Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Skin
1. Not Using a Moisturizer
For the longest time, I thought moisturizer was only for people with dry skin. Oh, the naivity.
No matter what skin type you have, moisturizing is super duper important, girl.
Why? Because it not only hydrates your skin, but it also keeps your skin barrier healthy.
Without good skin barrier, your skin is an open field for pimples and other issues.
Even if you have oily skin, if you don’t suplement it with moisture, it compensates by producing even more oil. So lesson number one in this post is to never ever skip your moisturizer.
Comprende? Now, the second important thing.

2. Skipping Sunscreen
If you think that sunscreen is needed only on sunny days or at the beach, I want you to know that’s simply not true.
Sunscreen is actually important every single day.
It protects your skin from the harmful sunrays that can cause premature aging, pigmentation, dark spots, dullness, and even skin cancer.
So, please, put on SPF every single morning. No excuses, no delays.
3. Over Washing Your Face
As a teenager, I was obsessed with washing my face. Did it about five times a day whenever I thought my skin needed a boost.
I thought doing so would also keep my skin more clean and acne-free. Um, wrong!
Overwashing strips your skin of its natural oils, leading to irritation, breakouts, and an overproduction of oil.
You just need to cleanse your skin twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. You can go for three times during the summer, especially if your skin gets oily too easily.
Your skin will be much happier for it, trust me. Just don’t forget your moisturizer afterward (and sunscreen too, during the morning).

4. Touching Your Face Unnecessarily
Many women have the habit of constantly touching their faces. And it can be all easy to do so.
You might rest your chin on your hands, pick at a pimple, touch your blemishes, or just absentmindedly poke at your skin.
Needless to so, all of this is unnecessary and really bad for your skin.
Your hands carry so much bacteria. When you touch your face, you transfer them onto your skin. The result? Clogged pores followed by breakouts.
Keep your hands off your face and always wash/sanitize them before doing your skincare routine.

5. Using New Products Blindly
When I first got introduced to the magic that is skincare, I was excited to try every new product I came across.
I’d slather on new serums, masks, and creams without thinking twice, until my skin started reacting badly to them.
I learned the hard way that you’re not meant to try every hyped product in the market or a serum that some influencer is raving about.
So, does this mean you don’t try anything new at all?
No, of course not. But before you pick up a new product, ask yourself if you really need it.
Got a moisturizer that’s already working well for you? Good, then no need to pick up something from another brand just for the heck of it.
When it comes to makeup products, you need to be extra cautious as these things are made to mask, not to nourish. So there are more chances of it harming your skin.
Check the main ingredients before you buy anything and look up whether it’s actually suitable for your skin type.
I never pick any product unless it has ‘non-comedogenic’ written on it, which means it won’t clog my pores.
Always do patch test before introducing anything new.
Apply a small amount of the new product on your arm or jawline for 2-3 days to see how your skin reacts before applying it all over your face. This tip will save you, girl!

6. Trying to Cure Acne with Online Product Recommendations
When I struggled with acne, I spent hours researching products online, convinced that the next trending serum or cleanser would be my miracle cure.
Unfortunately, skincare isn’t one-size-fits-all.
Everyone has a different skin type that reacts different to stuff, so what works for someone could actually have a very bad affect on your skin.
When dealing with serious skin issues, nothing beats professional advice from a dermatologist.
It was only after I sought expert help that my skin started improving and eventually cleared up.
So, if you dealing with acne, seek a professional and follow their prescribed products only.
You’ll save yourself from a lot of frustration and angry tears, believe me.

7. Using DIY Skincare
I know how tempting it can be to try DIY skincare.
You know, fresh tomatoes, turmeric from the jar, or whatever ingredients from the kitchen is mentioned in a DIY face mask that will ‘change’ your skin forever.
But all of this is disaster for sensitive skin.
In the past, I’ve fallen into the DIY skincare trap plenty of times. I’ve mixed put on ingredients like lemon juice, baking soda, and even toothpaste on my face.
What it brought me was irritation, redness, and painful breakouts (ouch).
While DIY skincare may work for some, sensitive skin, like mine, needs extra care. Unless you have very good knowledge about your DIY packs, you shouldn’t experiment at all.
Even DIY facial kits can be harmful for us girlies. I am writing this from experience, if you can’t tell.
If you want to give yourself any kind of facial glow-up, please go to a salon and get a facial or a cleanup done there.
Just don’t DIY. The results can be unpleasant and take months to fix.

8. Not Using Products According to You Skin Type
Do you buy products based on trends rather than what you skin actually needs.
I get it, girl. With so many brans and so many options available in the market and on your feeds, it can be very hard to take your pick.
I have a history of picking products that were not meant for my skin type.
I’ve used hydrating creams when I needed oil control and used sticky sunscreen too. It was one big mess until I finally started picking stuff that is meant for my particular skin type only.
If you don’t do this already, then start choosing products tailored to your needs, and your skin will love you forever for it.

9. Using Too Many Active Ingredients at Once
I used to think layering multiple actives (like retinol, AHAs, BHAs, and vitamin C) would give me glowing skin overnight.
Instead, it led to irritation, peeling, and sensitivity.
Active ingredients are meant to target specific skin issues. If you use a lot of them at once, they’ll clash with each other and only cause more trouble.
When it comes to active ingredients in skincare, less is honestly more.
Introduce one active at a time and use it for a month to give your skin time to adjust before you pick anything new.
10. Ignoring the Neck and Hands
I see many women focusing only on their face for skincare, but what about your hands and neck?
Just like your face, they are also exposed to the environment and need care and protection.
If you can buy expensive serums and creams for your face, the least you can do is get a body lotion for your hands and neck.
These areas also show signs of aging, so now you might want to extend your skincare routine beyond your face.

11. Applying Skincare in the Wrong Order
Layering your products incorrectly can make some products ineffective, and also cause pore-clogging.
Do not slather your skincare products in random order.
Follow the correct sequence:
Cleanser → toner → serum → moisturizer → sunscreen (AM only).
If you are using any ointments prescribed by a doc, then the order will depend on the ingredients.
For example, whenever I get pimples, I use Clindamycin gel in the morning, which goes all over the face before the moisturizer (so that the gel can get absorbed into the skin without any barrier).
And I use azelaic acid in night, which goes on the pimples after the moisturizer (since it’s a harsh ingredient and you need moisturizer for extra protection).
During acne treatment, I skip toner and serum and only use cleanser, moisturizer, and ointments plus sunscreen to avoid triggering my skin.

12. Shaving in a Hurry
Do you remember the first time you ever shaved your legs or arms? I bet you were real careful with that thing and did everything by book.
But the more comfortable you get with shaving, the more careless you become with it.
And that’s what leds to cuts, razor burns, and irritation. I almost threw away my razors because of this.
But then I realized the problem was me and my process. Very much a it’s-me-not-you situation.
So, let’s brush up the right way to shave your hair body parts:
You first prep the skin by exfoliating with a scrub. Then, take your time softening the skin with warm water.
Apply a good amount of shaving gel (I seriously recommend it over shower gels or conditioners).
Then use gentle, short, and upward strokes to shave off the hair.
A little patience is how you give yourself smooth and irritation-free skin!

13. Using a Razor On Face
Okay, down to the last skincare mistake, and admittedly the worst one I’ve ever made.
I know many doctors and influencers recommend shaving your facial hair with an eyebrow razor. It’s called dermaplaning, and I absolutely hate it.
Putting razor on my face gave me ingrown hair, and then I couldn’t rid of them no matter what I tried.
My doctor did tell me that the ingrown hair could be a result of hormones, but all I know is that I used a razor, and then they popped up.
The more razor I used, the worst it got.
There are also many success stories of dermaplaning, so it could be harmless for your skin. But as far as I am concerned, it’s a big no no and I consider it a skincare mistake.
The only parts where it’s safe enough to use a razor are your eyebrows, because the hair there are already hard.
But for facial hair, it would be better to opt for laser hair removal, which is what I did, and I am very happy to be rid of those face razors.
P.S: If you have sensitive skin or any acne on your face at all, steer clear of using razor on your face at all costs. It will make everything worst, trust me (again, been there, done that).
You Need To Stop Making These Skincare Mistakes
Skincare is a kind of journey, and mistakes are part of the learning process.
If you’ve been making any of these errors, don’t worry as it’s never too late to fix them.
Treat your skin with kindness, listen to what it needs, and when in doubt, consult a dermatologist.
Have you made any of these skincare mistakes before? Share your experiences in the comments!